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The end of a superlative bauma

Munich , 4/25/2013

This year’s bauma broke every record. Well over 530,000 visitors from 200 countries descended on the Munich Trade Fair Centre from 15 to 21 April. With all-time highs, a new attendance record was set in the number of exhibitors and exhibition area used. The share of international visitors was the highest ever (source:

The end of a superlative bauma.

This year’s bauma broke every record. Well over 530,000 visitors from 200 countries descended on the Munich Trade Fair Centre from 15 to 21 April. With all-time highs, a new attendance record was set in the number of exhibitors and exhibition area used. The share of international visitors was the highest ever (source:

The Weckenmann exhibition also team received a large number of visitors at their stand and could welcome many international visitors at the stand in Hall B1.

Many good and long-standing customers made use of the opportunity to obtain information on the latest developments and have a personal conversation with our consultants over a hearty lunch or coffee and cake in our visitors Lounge.

We were also very pleased with the large number of prospective customers who visited our stand and with the opportunity to explain the latest technology in precast concrete plants to them.

Our Model Factory 21 gave visitors a miniature view of the possibilities in plant design by Weckenmann.

The new "Weckenmann International" film, which premiered at the bauma, also proved to be very popular.  The ten-minute film is a collage of diverse and stunning images of Weckenmann plants and machinery. In addition to impressions from the company's headquarters in Dormettingen, the reportage used images from St. Petersburg in Russia, Coimbatore in India and a precast concrete plant located on the edge of the Swabian Alps to showcase the worldwide use of Weckenmann plants and machinery. The viewer gets a fascinating glimpse into the different conditions in each country and, depending on the customer profile, an impression of the highly specific requirements that must be met by the machinery

Prospective customers could see and experience the high quality of the products in the field of formwork and magnets live and up close.

The new Magnetbox M 2413 was presented to the public for the first time. Although with the same design and construction as the magnets already included in the M 1811 and M 2112 product range, this new development provides a holding force of 24,000 N.

Other new developments in battery moulds were also on display. Large construction sites for the building of new residential areas or entire cities are temporary and usually do not allow the erection of conventional stationary precast concrete plants in the immediate area of the construction site. Centrally situated precast concrete plants in turn often have the problem that the transport routes are too long and thus uneconomical.  Weckenmann’s "Mobile Battery Mould" allows mobile battery moulds to be used for the production of precast concrete parts in the form of an ‘onsite factory’. The compact design allows the energy-efficient production of parts with formwork-smooth surfaces on both sides near the construction site.

In addition, with the vibration station with magnetic pallet positioning and locking, Weckenmann provides a new solution for high-frequency compaction of precast concrete parts in a circulation system. This way, the effective magnetic bonding system allows the introduction of the vibration energy directly through the bottom of the formwork pallet over the entire area, thus ensuring perfect concrete surfaces at a short period of vibration. This provides better compaction results through the best possible vibration input and noise reduction of 10dbA.

Weckenmann could also present the development of a superior tilting table for the production of all kinds of large-format precast concrete parts. The advantages of the modular tilting table lie in the vibration-insulated table that is positioned separated from the tilting unit. This improves vibration while reducing noise and wear at the same time.

“We were able to present our product range and latest innovations to a wide audience. Visitors to this year's bauma were a very good international mix and contacts made at the stand were top class. For this reason, bauma 2013 was a huge success for us,” is how CEO Hermann Weckenmann sums up the week of the trade fair.

We thank all the visitors who have made this year's bauma a great success for us and we look forward to many joint Projects.

Press photos

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