System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at ASP._Page_Views_Partials_Modules_PopupBanner_cshtml.Execute() in c:\inetpub\sites\weckenmanncom\wwwroot\Views\Partials\Modules\PopupBanner.cshtml:line 10

Mission statement

Our mission statement

Our business was founded by Paul Weckenmann in Dormettingen in 1957. It is with great respect and pride that we look back over 65 years of history, the success of which each and every employee has contributed to.

We see ourselves as a company conscious of our tradition, who conducts its business in a sustainable and responsible manner. We know how important it is for well-trained and dedicated employees to identify with our company. Therefore, we encourage and promote the entrepreneurial ideas and actions of employees under the motto "entrepreneurs within the enterprise". To make this possible, we attach great importance to professional training and personal development. A medium-sized business such as Weckenmann that accepts its responsibility towards its customers needs employees who take responsibility in their fields of activity.

By following the above approach, we believe that we can best achieve our objective to attain the best possible results in quality and efficiency for the benefit of our customers. Because the focus of our thinking and creativity is centered on our customers who will get the best precast concrete plants and machines that exist in the market from us.

As one of the leading companies in our industry, part of our long-term corporate strategy is to develop new technologies and products. That is why we continuously invest in research and development. Planned, objective-focused growth, driven by sustainable, responsible action is important for the continued existence and economic independence of Weckenmann.

The history of our company shows that respect and fairness in dealing with each other – regardless of whether it is aimed at employees, customers or suppliers – are the best basis for a successful, trusting and lasting partnership. That is why we attach great importance to respectful and fair treatment of and dealing with the other inside and outside our company – as much now as in the future!