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From the old to the multifunctional new

Dormettingen , 8/25/2014

Only about one and a half years after moving into the new technology and distribution centre, the former office wing of the Weckenmann Anlagentechnik GmbH & Co. KG at its head office in the Swabian Alb has been turned into a versatile user-friendly customer centre.

"After the new building is before the rebuilding".

Departing from this point, the decision-makers at Weckenmann initiated the structural metamorphosis of the original two-storey administration building at the Dormettingen head office. The starting signal for this was the staff moving into the adjacent new technology and distribution centre in September 2012. The result of the approximately one and a half years of planning and construction work is a representative building, which has been in use as a customer service centre since early May. The canteen in the building is also doing its part in making it an attractive meeting point for company employees.

The top floor of the expanded and modernised old building houses a media room equipped with modern presentation and communication technology. This can, for example, be used to hold video conferencing with globally-based customers and partners. In addition, this floor also has a large room with seating for about one hundred guests. A variable partition allows the room to be divided into two smaller rooms for meetings if needed. "In our new customer service centre we can now receive our guests in a pleasant environment," said CEO Weckenmann. "With this professionally equipped building that is so optimally designed for conversations and discussions, we have the perfect setting for meetings and work sessions – and even accommodating larger groups of visitors now no longer represents a logistical challenge."

Well-looked-after clients and partners are one thing, satisfied employees is another. And to provide for this need, a canteen has been opened on the ground floor of the building, which is connected by a bridge to the new office building, with seating for 100 people. Employees can have breakfast and lunch there every day. The ground floor also houses the modernised staff rooms for industrial employees.